Community Midwifery (2-year diploma program)


Pakistan has one of the highest maternal mortality ratios in South East Asia.  According to the available statistics over 80% of women deliver at home in Pakistan.  Trained health professionals conduct 5% of these deliveries, the rest are delivered by a female who could be a Dai, a traditional birth attendant, a family member or a neighbor.  Internationally accepted figures state that 85% of all births can be handled or conducted safely by properly trained midwives.  Only 15% of women will develop complications requiring a higher level of professional skills.  Most countries of the world have lowered their maternal mortality through the wider involvement the professional midwives.

Program Objective  

  • To provide antenatal, post-natal, and newborn care to women and neonates in the community.
  • To make safe delivery possible for the women in their homes and in the communities
  • To initially work in tandem and eventually replace the TBA, by offering skilled midwives to the community

Diploma Awarding Authority

Sindh Nursing Examination Board is a diploma awarding authority.

Who can apply

  • Admission will only be granted to females
  • Candidates age should be between 15 to 40 years
  • All candidates will be required to undergo a medical fitness checkup
  • This program will be of 2 years duration


  • Passed matriculation examination (either Art or Science) with minimum 40% marks. PNC criteria)
  • The medium of instruction will be in English/Urdu

Documents Required 

  • Verified matric mark sheet
  • Domical Sindh

Key Dates 

Advertisement 2nd week of July
Last Date of Form Submission 1st week of August
Entry Test (DET) 3rd week of August
Announcement of Entry Test Result 2nd week of September
Interview of Selected Candidates 3rd week of September
Final List of Selected Candidates 1st week of October
Commencement of Classes 2nd week Of October Batch II
Fee Title Amount
Application Processing Fee Rs. 1300
Admission Rs. 15,000
Security Deposit Rs. 5,500
Tuition Fee (Semester or 6 months) Rs. 30,000
PNC Enrollment Fee As per PNC
SNEB Enrollment Fee As per SNEB
Examination Fee As per SNEB
At the Time of Admission Rs. 50,500
TopicTheoryPracticeTotal Hours
Skill Lab/Group WorkHospital/Community
Unit-1: Health, Maternal and newborn Health and CMW
1.1Health and health situation of mother and newborn and role of society and culture in MNCH822636
1.2Safe motherhood and Pakistan's health system providing maternal and child health services14201044
1.3Community, Midwiferyand Midwife's roles & responsibilities (linkage building, record keeping. referral)481224
1.4Introduction to the course601218
Sub Total325040122
Sub Total3290122
Unit-2: Foundation
2.1Body parts and functions838046
2.2Drugs relevant to community midwifery613625
2.3Infection prevention6161234
2.4Individual and Community Health assessment including first aid18253073
2.5Community-based first level midwifery care15222966
2.6Information and its use9161237
2.7Health Education and communication (PCC & IPC)9161237
Sub Total71146101318
Sub Total71247318
Unit 3 Pregnancy, its Complications, and Ante-Natal Care (ANC)
3.1Human reproduction822030
3.2Nutrition of women (anemia)8121030
3.3Preparing for pregnancy. and Infertility8121030
3.4Physiological and psychological changes during pregnancy30121030
3.5Ante-natal care302072122
3.6Birth preparedness and emergency plan (Place) of Delivery)14183062
3.7Bleeding in pregnancy22264492
3.8Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy22264492
3.9Pregnancy with infections15222562
3.1Pregnancy with Diabetes Mellitus14183062
Sub Total150188275612
Sub Total149463612
Unit 4 Labor and Childbirth, its Complications and Skilled Care during Labor
4.1Principles of care during labor and birth18223373
4.2Physiology and management of First Stage of Labor566699221
4.3Physiology and management of Second Stage of Labor566699221
4.4Physiology and management of Third and Fourth stages of Labor18223373
4.5Prolonged and obstructed labor18223373
4.6Post partum hemorrhage (PPH)18223373
Sub Total184220330734
Sub Total184550
Unit 5 Newborn and Infant Health (10%)
5.1Physiology and Requirements of Newborn681024
5.2Essentials Of Newborn
Care including Low Birth
Weight (LBW). Hypothermia, Birth Asphyxia, Congenital Abnormalities Infections
Feeding Disorders
5.3Breast Feeding681024
5.4Feeding Difficulties and Disorders15182962
5.5Development in the first year6181024
5.6Major newborn Illnesses and Community-Based Integrated Management of Newborn (IMNCI) illnesses13142249
Sub Total6174110245
Sub Total61184245
Unit 6: Puerperium and Post Natal Care (PNC)
6.1Physiology Of Puerperium12142248
6.2Postnatal Care and management of post- natal complications374666149
6.3Birth Spacing and Post- Abortion Care15235795
Sub Total6483145292
Sub Total64228292
Unit 7: Preparing for Professional Practice
7.1Professional and Ethical Framework and Regulation and Legislation Relevant to Midwifery Practice in Pakistan88824
7.2Evidence-based decision making15182962
7.3Quality of care9101736
Grand Total61218362448