Doctor of Physical Therapy (5-Year Degree Program)


Physical therapists are health care professionals who maintain, restore, and improve movement, activity, and health enabling an individual to have optimal functioning and quality of life while ensuring patient safety and applying evidence to provide efficient and effective care.

Program Outcomes 

By the end of DPT program, graduates will be able to:

  1. Manage acute and chronic conditions in pediatric, adult and geriatric patients.
  2. Demonstrate collaborative teamwork abilities with colleagues, juniors, seniors and other health care professionals for delivery of optimal patient care.
  3. Demonstrate patient safety protocols, communication skills and evidence-based interventions in physical therapy practice.
  4. Demonstrate leadership and management skills for supervisory roles, clinic ownership and positions in health-care administrations.
  5. Write a scholarly article that can be suitable for publication in indexed journals.
  6. Take part in the promotion of physical health and prevention of fall-related injuries in community, primary and tertiary healthcare settings.
  7. Efficiently and appropriately refer cases to the concerned specialist where appropriate.
  8. Demonstrate reasoning and clinical decision-making on the basis of basic science knowledge.

Scope of work  

  • Intensive Care Unit (ICU): Physiotherapists are an integral part of the multi-disciplinary teams in critical care and are uniquely qualified with skills and expertise to work with the assessment and management of respiratory complications, physical deconditioning, and
    neuromuscular and musculoskeletal conditions.
  • Pediatric Physiotherapy: Pediatric Physiotherapy is the treatment of children who have developmental dysfunctions and specific pediatric disorders. The therapy also aims to optimize a child’s functions as they grow, irrespective of their physical condition. It takes into consideration the impact of growth and growth spurts on the child and uses this knowledge to treat each child accordingly.
  • Neurological Physiotherapy: Neurological Physiotherapy is focused on working with individuals who have a neurological disorder or disease. These include Alzheimer’s disease, brain injury, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord
    injury, and stroke.
  • Geriatric Physiotherapy: Geriatric Physiotherapy covers a wide area concerning older adults. many conditions affect people as they grow older such as arthritis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, hip, and other joint replacements, balance disorders, incontinence, etc.
  • Spine And Back Problems: Physiotherapy can help by decreasing the spasm of the musculature of the spine. Physical therapy can also help to improve posture and decrease mechanical back pain. Amputee rehabilitation and physiotherapy service provide specialized rehabilitation for patients following the loss of a limb. Burns and plastics physiotherapists work very closely with other teams to rehabilitate patients who require skin grafts, flaps, breast reconstructions and other forms of plastic surgery.
  • Pulmonary Rehabilitation: Physiotherapy services provide assistance to pulmonary rehabilitation patients with chronic lung diseases to improve their functional capacity and quality of life. Palliative care physiotherapy in the field of oncology and palliative care plays an important role in both malignant and non-malignant cases. Physiotherapy optimizes their quality of life and increases their life expectancy.
  • Women’s Health Physiotherapy: The women’s health physiotherapy team provides extensive in-patient and out-patient service to obstetrics and gynecology patients. This includes a series of antenatal classes, pelvic floor muscles exercises, treatment for pregnancy-induced discomforts such as low back pain, symphysis pubis dysfunction, carpal tunnel syndrome, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, and health promotion in the postnatal ward.

 Degree Awarding Authority  

Jinnah Sindh Medical University will award a degree after the completion of five years.


  • 12 years of education, Intermediate (pre-medical) or A level with at least 60% marks or equivalent
  • 17-22 years of age at the time of the admission.
Fee Title Amount
Admission Fee Rs. 40,000
Tuition Fee (Per Semester) Rs. 110,000
Security Deposit Rs. 5,000
JSMU Registration / Enrollment Fee (One time) Rs. 1,500
Lab Fee (one time) Rs. 7,000
Id Card Fee Rs. 1,500
JSMU Administrative share of Admission fee (One time) Rs. 2,200
JSMU Administrative share of Tuition fee (Per Semester) Rs. 6,050
Total Rs. 173,250

*Note: JSMU Examination fee of Rs. 2,000 will be submitted before JSMU final semester exam.

Year 1 Semester I
Serial #Course Title Theory Practical/LabTotal Credit
4English-I (Functional English)303
5Pakistan Studies202
6Introduction to Computer213
Total 18
Year 1 Semester II
Serial #Course Title Theory Practical/Lab Total Credit
5Islamic Studies/Ethics202
Year 2 Semester III
Serial #Course Title Theory Practical/Lab Total Credit
1English-III (Technical Writing & Presentation Skills)303
2Medical Physics213
5Biomechanics & Ergonomics-I303
Year 2 Semester IV
Serial #Course Title Theory Practical/Lab Total Credit
1Anatomy-IV (Neuro Anatomy)213
2Biomechanics & Ergonomics-II213
3Health & Wellness202
5Exercise Physiology213
6Molecular Biology & Genetics202
Year 3 Semester V
Serial #Course Title Theory Practical/Lab Total Credit
1Pathology & Microbiology-I202
2Pharmacology & Therapeutics-I202
3Physical Agents & Electrotherapy-I213
4Therapeutic Exercises & Techniques213
6Behavioral Sciences (Psychology & Ethics)202
7Supervised Clinical Practice-I033
Year 3 Semester VI
Serial #Course Title Theory Practical/Lab Total Credit
1Pathology & Microbiology-II213
2Pharmacology & Therapeutics-II202
3Physical Agents & Electrotherapy-II213
4Biostatistics-II (University Optional)303
5Community Medicine & Rehabilitation303
6Supervised Clinical Practice-II033
Year 4 Semester VII
Serial # Course Title Theory Practical/LabTotal Credit
2Surgery I303
3Radiology & Diagnostic Imaging213
4Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy213
5Evidence-Based Practice213
6Supervised Clinical Practice-III033
Year 4 Semester VIII
Serial # Course Title Theory Practical/Lab Total Credit
1Medicine II303
2Surgery II303
3Neurological Physical Therapy213
4Scientific Inquiry & Research Methodology213
5Emergency Procedures & Primary Care In Physical Therapy213
6Supervised Clinical Practice IV033
Year 5 Semester IX
Serial # Course Title Theory Practical/Lab Total Credit
1Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy213
2Prosthetics & Orthotics202
3Clinical Decision Making & Differential Diagnosis303
4Manual Therapy213
5Professional Practice (Law, Ethics & Administration)202
6Integumentary Physical Therapy202
7Supervised Clinical Practice V033
Year 5 Semester X
Serial # Course Title Theory Practical/Lab Total Credit
1Obstetrics & Gynecological Physical Therapy202
2Pediatric Physical Therapy202
3Gerontology & Geriatric Physical Therapy202
4Sports Physical Therapy202
5Supervised Clinical Practice VI044
6Research Project66
Total number of Credit Hours175